Friday, 18 July 2014

Teatro en miniatura

LAMBE-LAMBE, por la Lic. Catalina Viera, Valparaíso, Chile

El Teatro de Animación LAMBE-LAMBE se inició en Brasil en el año 1989 con Denise Santos e Ismine Lima en la provincia de Bahía. Se caracterizan por ser espectáculos de Teatro de Animación de pequeños muñecos y objetos que, acompañados por un relato y/o música en audio, dentro de una pequeña caja escénica, representan en pocos minutos, secretas situaciones teatrales que son apreciadas por sólo uno o dos y hasta tres espectadores cada vez. Ellos se colocan audífonos y observan la obra a través de una ventanilla. El actor/manipulador se ubica en el lado opuesto de la caja y pone en escena la obra, manipulando la iluminación, el sonido, utilería, los muñecos y/o objetos.

A mis artistas de 3º C:
Para que vayamos pensando en nuestro proyecto de despedida, después de haber recorrido juntos, durante estos tres años, este increíble encuentro en la producción artística, les dejo dos videos como propuesta para desarrollar en grupo en lo que queda del año. 


Felices vacaciones!!!!!!

Patricia Santome
Artística 3º C

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Assignment The Canterbury Tales

Debido a la falta de energía eléctrica y sus consecuencias, el trabajo "The Canterbury Tales" lo voy a explicar el primer lunes de clases y fijaremos una fecha de entrega.
           Prof. Vernaz

Thursday, 10 July 2014

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales is a book of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century. It is one of the first books to be written in the English language. The book is about a group of pilgrims traveling from London to Canterbury. As they travel along, each person tells a story to pass the time.

Assignment for The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer


A) The Prologue

  1.    Place London and Canterbury in a map.
  2.    Who wrote The Canterbury Tales
  3.    The three main social groups at the time were the nobility, the clergy and the common people.    Complete the table with the pilgrims


The Common People

Why is the Knight first in the General Prologue and first to tell a tale?

3. What personal qualities does the Knight possess?  Explain the “Chivalrous Code”
4. Historical Context: explain briefly the black plague, The Hundred Years war and The Renaissance.
1. Read the description of your assigned character in the Prologue.
2. Determine whether your character is a member of the nobility, the Clergy, or the Common people.
3.  Make bullet notes on the type of clothes that he/she wears and the physical description of the character. 
4. Summarize that character’s personality traits.  Some characters are directly characterized; some are indirectly characterized.
5. What famous actor/actress would you cast to play the role of your character in a movie? 
6. Write an essay explaining why you would choose this person (remember to cite examples from the text to support your opinion).  Explanations should include physical descriptions, descriptions of clothing style, and personality (use your notes from question #2 to help you with your essay).
7.      Provide a picture of your “cast member.”  You may use the Internet and print a picture or cut out a picture from a magazine or newspaper.  If you are a good artist, you may choose to draw a caricature of your actor/actress in costume. (If you have to ask what a caricature is or if it has to be a good drawing, then DO NOT draw your own picture—this is only for the artists.)
8-           Be prepare for your oral presentation

Your character is
Group 1 The Pardoner
Group 2 The Wife of Bath
Group 3 The Miller
Group 4 The Knight

A couple of suggested sites:

A resource site for a college course, lots of links:

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